Eric Staller
Herengracht 100
1015 BS Amsterdam
020 6249198
lokatie en tijdstip :
Strand, Camperduin
donderdag 15 juni
To see one of my artworks become a permanent fixture in a plaza or building space, giving pleasure year after year to the public, is my greatest source of satisfaction.
I have enjoyed a career of experimenting in a variety of materials and techniques, making objects in a variety of scales, from small to large.
By 1985 I had been exhibiting my work in galleries and museums for 10 years. I became disillusioned with the Art World, a world that seemed academic and joyless to me. I had grown tired of preaching to the converted.
Breaking out of these confines took the form of the LIGHTMOBILE, a Volkswagen Beetle covered with 1659 computerized lights. The reactions were amazing: the smiles, waves, thumbs-up, comments shouted. It was the most exhilerating experience of my life.
I now had a mission: to share my optimism with as many people as possible.